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"Why is Swiss so rich?"

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Warm Welcome....
踏進Zurich airport有種間單俐落的清新;大紅色的布條;時尚的地鐵;在地鐵裡有牛聲..有可愛的Swiss Girl .機場外站著好久不見的Nadja;禿然間,感動湧上心;彼此的擁抱.讓我感到好窩心!!
"Why is Swiss so Rich?" 

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常常有人說weeds 哪裡都能長;哪裡都能活得好好地.

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Leave Your Mark~
All of us leave some mark on the world, no matter whether it is good or bad. For starbucks, the good mark is linked to the powerful and positive impact  that they have on their communities. Therefore, Social involvement is integral to starbucks leadership mission. Starbucks wants to do this by contributing more to society than just coffee. They have a number of programs which help community.
The starbucks leadership mission consist of health-care benefits, C.A.F.E( coffee and farmer equity)practices policies, enviornmental consciousness and community involvement. Health-care benefits are given for employees who even work 20hours per week. This one have influenced some coffee shops or fast-food restaurants which feel pressure then provide similar compensation for their employees. In terms of C.A.F.E policties, starbucks generally pays a higher price for its coffee than others. They also encourage decreased pesticide use, lower water consumption and of course, maintaining a high level of coffee quality.
As regards to enviornmental consciousness, the starbucks partnership with Johnson Development Corporation is called Urban Coffee Opportunities. This business partnership provide employment opportunities, training in disadvantaged metropolitan communities. For starbucks leadership management, they do hope they give back more than they take. One of the successful organization is " DeafHope" where volunteers provides services to deaf domestic abuse victim. (most volunters are their employees)
Starbucks helps employees realize their power to make a difference, not only serve coffee but also contribute more in their communities. Moreover, starbucks is not only a coffee shop, but it is a education organization and they believe that " we can be the change we wish to see in the world".

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Embrace Resistance~
Valuing criticism is one of the principle for starbucks and it also is a major role. How difficult it is to accept criticism, even embrace it. Utilzing a set of skills and positive thinking that to improve business and customers relationship are the best way to embrace resistance.
Embracing resistance is about respecting people's perspectives. For starbucks leadership, they encourage their partners to ask "How" not just "Yes" and "No". There is an art to knowing if your customers displeased. Take a woman with a child coming into the starbucks for example, the woman hug her baby in one hand and the coffee in the other hand, then tried to sit on the chair. Instead of disregard, the barista gave her a hand immediately and responded" sorry for that and I will mention about this problem for our manager."
" It cannot be done" is a most challenging types of resistance for many businesses.. For starbucks, they will ask " Why would not it work?". Facing a big task, such as the first time,they tried to promote coffee to Asian countries, they did the market research first and tried to belong Asian culture which has hundreds years of tea-drinking.Finally, they success because not only have they had original coffee, but they also created new local flavor and increased the local employment.
Win/Win situation is starbucks' main goal. Not everyone welcome starbucks come, especially some traditional coffee shops. Before one starbucks shop open, they go door-to-door to every single cafe in the area to understand what they need and also to introduce starbucks. To starbucks, they certainly know that it would be competition, but they are more interested in adding value to this business environment. "Coffee-rich area" was created for all of customers who enjoy plenty of alternatives. Competition can make companies re-evaluate themselves and identify what the strengths and shortcomings are.

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是什麼;讓人可以稱得上是Well-Educated person? PhD; Professor還是非得讀萬捲書的人??
是甚麼;讓人著迷想成為 Well-Educated Person??
A Well-Educated person...
is an original thinker.
has a desire to seek knowledge for its own sake.

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To many enterprises, how to improve the service is the top of the agenda. For starbucks leadership, the major focus is legendary service, not just great; but legendary. They focus not only on ingredients, but also more attention to do extra things to impress all customers.
In fact, this idea is not a new one. More than 100 years ago, Cracker Jack(fomous candy company) delighted customers with their unique candy with popcorn and peanuts as well as a surprise package. According to psychologists who study happiness, people are delight because of safety, security and a little bit of surprise. Therefore, differ from other food/ drinks companies, " the starbucky feel" has been spreading out.
Combine the special occasion with free beverage or food always please customers. The most successful example is starbucks'travelling surprises. They go to the train station and set up a table. Starbucks' employees gave away free coffee to all the commuters. People were surprised and delighted to receive a cup of coffee, especially free. Starbucks also were celebration Fair Trade Certified coffee and they were the first company in the USA to offer this product.
Starbucks leadership also surprise their employees. Profits will be given by starbucks' leaders, such as staff having worked 500 hours pre year were given unexpected $250 holiday bonus. When leaders care enough about their staff, employees will have more enthusiasm their work.
Last but not least, is creating predictability in every starbucks shop. As a customer said:" I cannot tell you how calming it was to have a taste of home when I was many miles away". No matter where we are, we also have exactly the same coffee as usual. Starbucks leadership understands that having a cup of starbucks coffee can become a part of customers' routines by offering a familiar experience.

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" All business is detail and there is nothing trivial" said Howard Schultz who is the starbucks former CEO. Caring about details is a principle for every barista, manager and even farmers who plant coffee beans for starbucks. The starbucks management is not only macro level, but it is also on micro level.
As regards ambience, from background music to aesthetic design, "A thrid place" was created by the starbucks. This place, like home and office, is full of comfort, relaxed and exotic for customers who like a marvellous cup of coffee or like to hang around with friends in here. For starbucks, it is a place to release stress, to discover something, so starbucks is a bigger stop than just a cup of coffee.
As far as uniqueness of employees is concerned,  a playful corporate culture was created by all employees. they believe that a playful workplace gives baristas vibrant life and motivates them to do the best. For example, there is a barista who come from Seattle smiled to a customer who was described as a grumpy guy everyday, but he did not have any response. However, after three months, he brought her a card and it said" I came in here to see your smile and you made a difference in my life". We often underestimate the power of a smile or a touch and this power is beyond what we thought.
At starbucks, not only is everything important, but everyone is important as well. This starbucks experience makes an indelible impression on every customers. Once customers come in to the starbucks store, they would like to stay awhile and relax a little bit and that is what starbucks' want!!

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Ten years ago, in most coffee shops were served traditional and plain coffees. However, there is an intriguing style which, even though it was s so-called yappie fad, changes coffee culture all of the world. The starbacks influence is significant and turn ordinary coffee into extraordinary.
One of the tenets is" Five ways of Being". Firstly, be Welcoming. They offer customers a sense of belonging. For example, baristas write down the name on our own coffee. Not only do we feel the uniqueness of cup of coffee, but also create an intimate ambience. Secondly, be genuine. to discover each customer's needs and individual situation. Starbucks partners( baristas) are trained not just to listen to customers, but to respond immediately. Once customers complain about something, they will deal with it. Listening followed by action.
Being considerate for co-workers, company, customers and even global needs. Buttles of water are sold in Starbucks shops and each buttle of water contributes 5 cents to worldwide water projects. Fourth, be involved. Business will have dismal futures when their employees do not think they are part of the company. In Starbucks, managers listen to their partners( workers) and make a decision together, thereby partners are involved in this company. Take a starbucks shop in Japan for example, one barista finds out jelly cubes are very popular in Japan, so he suggests to the district maager to make it becoming a summer drink. In the end, Jelly Frappuccino is the best-selling beverage. the barista said: It is the right thing to do and this is MY company.
Last but not least, be knowledgeable, the starbucks leaders are encouraging their partners to " Love what they do and share it with others". "coffee Passport" is a program for those employees who should complete their first ninety days of employment. All partners are encouraged to use their knowledge to help customers appreciate high-quality coffee. For Starbucks, it provides not only coffee skills and customer service, but it also teaches leadership. As Einstain said:" Knowledge is power". The more knowledge they get, the greater life they can make for customers....

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